Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Read it one of the bloggers here...

Maybe, she really wanted something for HER Majesty's country...Well, to the think that his highness the KING [of smuggling] has put us up in that ZTE blah.. blah...

We only have two years to wait, mah dir!

She's finally out of office...

As for now, we'd only have to bear with it.. Anyway, most countries have problems like ours so we don't need to fret.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Its just a busy week. The exam's supposed to be done last week but since I'm getting negligent, I still have leftover stuff to do. And here I am, blogging. Wasting precious hours of editing away.

Of course, I love my job.That's why I'm here in the first place. I love it too much that I'm starting to think I could getaway with it by now. But, uh! Well... I need time to thing things over & shut down the photo shop program before I'd start to do real jobs. Or maybe, I'm just thinking too much.

That's why its called pressure. It won't stop til' it gets the better of you. You either have to face it or to let it go.It's never the same - and [yeah!] i have to deal with it every time.

So, this has to tell me to stop & start doing my thing before i get sucked up by the bulldog... Everyone here knows who he is. [I'd better not talk about him. He's stupid.]

Well, to end this,I'd just like to say thank you for reading my thoughts and "understanding" why I haven't been able to blog for so long.

I hope it suits u fine as it suits mine. You, take care. I'd take care of me too.