Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This was a hard month I should say. I got crammed up with lesson plans, take over classes, teachers with favoritism, stupid bulldog and oink2 talking english speakers and a new relationship status. I show the world that I'm happy but I guess, It's just with the face.

I probably am thinking too much. Well, most of us in the class does. We have to endure tuesday and thursday mornings with a pig. I had to endure SA practices at night.I have to smile whenever I see people smile back. I'm tired. I just went through a seminar, an english class, a public speaking class and a heartbreak. Now I'm thinking what to do next. I wish I'dstop and tell them that I want to get this over with. That I know I really don't like what I'm doing. Maybe,I just want rest. I need it.

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