Friday, August 7, 2009

Random things about me

The Basics
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: light brown
Height: 5"1
Profession: teaching
Relationship Status: complicated
Religious Views: seventh-day adventist jud ko.
What's Your Sign?: libra
Any Siblings?: yah, baby brother
Shoe size: 7 something...
Where were you born?: Digos! [proud!]
Innie or Outie: both!
Righty or Lefty?: righty
Any pets?: jihoo and junpyo my new puppies!!!
What month were you born in?: October
School?: SPAC
My Favorites
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Car: anything bsta convertible
Favorite Movie: not decided yet
Favorite Hobby: writing, reading, photography
Favorite Song/Singer: Taylor Swift
Favorite Book/Author: Jane Austen-pride and prejudice
Favorite School Subject: English subjects and humanities
Favorite Vacation Destination: Paris and anywhere in Italy
Favorite Food: Ice cream!!!
Favorite Restaurant: Figaro?!
Favorite Animal: doggie
Favorite Store: bookstore! haha!
Favorite Celebrity : Paris Hilton
Favorite Childhood Friend: Joy2
Favorite Childhood Memory: playing in the rain and climbin' fallen trees
Favorite Baby Name: ai2
Favorite Person In Your Life: Doreen Gersava
Favorite Facebook Application : Mafia Wars, I guess
Favorite Possession: my 0.3 pen
Mall Store: SM and CDO's Ketkai
Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: McDo! Luv ko to!!!
Comedian: duh!
Sandlot or Little Rascals: my bro!
Favorite Holiday: My birthday! yey!!!!
Favorite Number: 10
Favorite Hard Candy: hmm.. Fox's
Favorite Month: October!
Favorite Flower: Iris
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate
Favorite Smell: fruity scents
Favorite Drink: coke!
Favorite Cartoon Character: tweety
Favourite kind of pants: the loose kind... duh..
This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate!
Big Mac or Whopper: big mac jud!
Coke or Pepsi : coke
Beer or Wine: wine
Coffee or Tea: Coffee
Apple Juice or O.J.: Apple
Facebook or MySpace: facebook!
Summer or Winter: summer
Windows or Mac: windows
Cats or Dogs: doggies
Boxers or Briefs: boxers haha!
Rain or Shine : rain
Chips or Popcorn: chips
Salty or Sweet: sweet!
Plane or Boat: plane
Morning or Night: morning
Movie or Play: both
Walk or Drive: walk
Money or Love: both!
Breakfast or Dinner: dinner
Forgiveness or Revenge: forgiveness
Paint or Wallpaper: wallpaper
House or Apartment: apartment
Truth or Dare: truth
Contacts or Glasses: glasses
Root beer or Dr. Pepper: Doc Pepper
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Mud
Skiing or Boarding: boarding!!!
Silver or Gold: silver
Diamond or pearl: diamond
Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
Phone or in person: in person
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: oldest
Indoor or Outdoor: outdoor
Do You?
Have Any Pets: yah.. i have jihoo...
Have Any Children: nope...
Smoke: no... smokers aren't good kissers..
Drink: water, yeah... haha!
Exercise: not really...
Spend Your Life On Facebook: depends on the connection and the bucks....
Play On A Sports Team: no. i'm not sports-minded
Belong To Any Organizations: to a lot! haha! i'm havin' a hard time wit my sked...
Love Your Job: of course! teaching is d best!
Like To Cook: yah! and bake... super!
Play An Instrument: the piano [a li'l]
Sing: yep... SA Prex.
Dance: alone... hahahaha!
Speak Multiple Languages: yes.. bisaya, english and pilipino.. whaha!
Ice Skate: no.
Swim: float.. yes.. swim? no!
Paint: finger-paint!
Write: big YES!
Ski: no.
Juggle: between responsibilities... yeah!
Do you wish you lived somewhere else?: yup. i have too many sad memories of this place...
Do you like roller coasters?: super!!!
Enjoy spending time with your Mother?: yah... sleeping time.
Ever think about the price of gasoline?: sometimes... when it's the topic of the argument.
Sleep with a fan on?: yup!!! i have too!
Have a good handle on spelling?: just try me.
Ever type "kik" instead of "lol?: no... i look at the keyboard a lot of times.
Know how to play chess?: a little.. but i was nvr able to beat my bro.. he's damn good!
Ever miss being a little kid?: yeah! like climbin' trees and sleeping...
Want to get married?: of course! who doesn't?!
Have You Ever
Stolen Anything: yeah... hihi!
Been Drunk Before Noon: yup... once!
Had Sex In A Public Place: no!
Got Caught Telling A Lie: not yet...
Got A Speeding Ticket: i don't drive so it's a no.
Been Arrested: nope...
Littered: haha! yes! [clean up the philippines!]
Fantasized About A Co-Worker: maybe... before...
Cheated On A Test: i can't say no.
Cheated In A Relationship: well... sometimes...
Failed A Class: almost!
Screened Your Phone Calls: yah...
Eaten Food Off The Floor: nope. yuck!
Stuck Gum Under A Desk: hahaha! yes! yes!
Wished You Were Someone Else: yup.. sometimes...
Cried During A Movie: my ex hates this but its a yes.
Had A One Night Stand: nope.
Had to pull over on the side of the road to puke?: yep!
Had your heart broken?: a lot!
Had a good feeling about something?: a lot of times especially during mornings...
Had a near death experience: yep...
Swam in freezing water: no.
Jumped off a house: haha! yes!
Been attacked?: once...
Bungee jumped: i wish i had! i love that!
White water rafted: in the future... i want this to be a yes!
Pulled an all nighter?: huh?
Surfed: through the net. yes.
Lied about your age: yep! way back high school days....
Broken a bone?: not yet... wishin..
Describe Yourself In One Word: beautiful
Biggest Fear: being left alone...
Biggest Mistake: losing myself to someone not worth it
Your Proudest Accomplishment: the rubix cube thingy
#1 Priority In Your Life: love
Dream Job: freelance writer
Causes You Believe In: human rights, peace, anti-dangerous drugs and green project
Special Talents: singing, writing, talking [does that count?
Where Are You Right Now: msbean
Where Would You Rather Be: home
Famous Person You Want To Meet: God
Place To Visit Before You Die: france,korea, el nido and tawi-tawi
Song Played At Your Funeral: somewhere out there
What are you listening to right now: some rock music...
What makes you happy: coke float,smiles,late night calls
What did you do yesterday: attend teaching seminar
Won any awards?: leadership award? pgxure!
Are you a good driver?: no.
Gotten any speeding tickets?: i don't drive
Are you double jointed?: what's this?
Last time you showered?: this am.
What's the last dream you remember?: going to the beach with my ex. duh.
What side of the bed do you sleep on?: right
Do you dress up on Halloween?: nope
Are you outgoing or introverted?: both
Do you ever wish you were famous?: no. i love my privacy
Have you ever done anything illegal?: yeah! haha!
Where will you be 12 hours from now?: bed. sleeping...
Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward?: no.
Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow?: sabbath dress... duh.
Is it easy for people to make you smile?: big yeah.
Does anyone hate you for no reason?: maybe.. dunno...
Can you make yourself cry?: haha! yeah.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?: 3 ata
Is your life simple or complicated?: simply complicated.
Are you taller than 5'4"?: nope
What was your last place of employment?: Biznez center, SPAC
What color are your socks?: i don't wear socks...

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